/ solo exhibitions of important authors of the middle generation whose art is distinguished by mature views and yields a potential to represent strong platforms for opinions



/ the program focused on the younger generation of established authors wants to present the progressive approaches and critical thinking associated with distinctive accounts of the cultural and social environment



/ its goal is to invite artists for a stay that would allow them to incorporate the inspiration found in the region into their work /during the preparation/



/being prepared/



/ presentation of video art and experimenting with digital image:

______Videocube format

Videocube has already presented more than 40 video artworks of important authors coming mainly from the V4 countries; it shall start its new phase in the space of Ciachovňa in Žilina


______Contemporary format

it will present collective exhibitions as reactions on the current development of social processes and moods, reflecting on local areas and minorities, but also on the global issues



/ documenting of CCA’s activities and publishing of catalogues, publications and digital media