
/ focuses on the presentation of contemporary visual art. CCA's aim is to support cultural background and awareness not just in the northern Slovakia, in Žilina, but in a wider regional space, as well, including the frontier regions. Through its activity, it would like to initiate a mutual dialogue of authors of the neighbouring countries, which are getting ever closer to each other through the process of acknowledgement of social and cultural development. At the same time, it wants to join the shaping of the art environment in Žilina, where it peaked, in qualitative comparison with the rest of Czech and Slovak Republic, in the 1990s and the beginning of 2000s.
The formation of CCA was initiated by Anton Čierny, Pavlína Fichta Čierna and Eliška Mazalanová. The gallery started its activity in the adapted Ciachovňa space in the spring of 2017.
The program of the gallery was supported by public funds provided by the Fond na podporu umenia
The space of Ciachovňa was provided by Považská galéria umenia v Žiline
The logotype font Remi was provided by Ondrej Jób